
Why Indians choose Canada for education?

Education today builds tomorrow.

Canada and India have different education systems. Canada is a developed nation that has higher GDP with a higher standard of living, education, and social benefits. Compared to India, it is a developing country with lower GDP and lesser quality of living and education.

Quality in education is a top priority of any student. Investment in ourselves should equal the cost we pay through no. of years and money.

When we plan to study abroad, Canada comes in front with a wide range of benefits to choosing their institutions over India or any other country.

Let’s understand the differences between the two and why choosing Canada is a good choice.

1. Education Cost


1. Canadian public secondary schools provide free education to residents of Canada.
2. Work-integrated learning is a great advantage for students in Canadian universities.
3. Bachelor’s degree program tuition cost ranges from 1,800 CAD to 20,000 CAD.
4. Tuition fee for Master’s and ph.d programs ranges from 2,500 CAD to 18,000 CAD annually.
5. Every year 500,000 students graduate from Canadian colleges and universities.
6. 17% of the labour force in Canada are entrepreneurs.


1. India, education up to the age of 14 is free and mandatory.
2. Education cost for higher education varies with courses. The average cost for law is 37,000, management & IT/computer courses (58,0000),engineering (63,000), and medicine 71,0000 approximately.

Most of the minorities in rural and one-fourth of students in urban are getting beneficiaries of the free education act as per the data. The increased gap between free education in urban and rural areas is both wide in quality and quantity.

2. Cost of living


Living expenses may cost around 12,000 CAD per year.


The average monthly cost for a person is 25,000 INR, approximately.

3. Healthcare


Every province offers different health care coverage to people in Canada. The universal healthcare system in Canada provides high-quality medical treatments at low or no cost for all necessities attached to medical needs, treatment, and infrastructure.

Mental health is just as important as physical health in Canada. Many universities have mental health counsellors to help students in dealing stress and personal challenges.


India has public hospitals that provide free treatment. But most of these free medical services lack the unavailability of experienced medical staff and basic facilities in the hospitals. Along with that, a large percentage of the population is untouched by health insurance. As a result of a lack of health insurance and good medical facilities, people only have the option of spending a lot out of their pockets.

4. Technology, Research, and Innovation


Canada believes that for economic and social growth, it is essential to perform extensive research. Canada is a leading country in science, technology, and innovation globally.

"Innovation is, simply put, the understanding that better is always possible. It is the key that unlocks possibilities and opportunities. From urban centres to rural farms, from researchers looking to secure new patents to entrepreneurs working to bring their products to market, innovation is what allows Canadians to adapt to change and prepare for the future." ~ Canada.ca


In the economic survey of countries, India was found to be a low spender on research & development. India spends less than 1 percent of its GDP the result of that economic survey suggests increasing the share to 2 percent.

Research and development are still not considered the high expenditure deserving share of GDP in India. To grow in technology and innovation, expenditure on R&D is crucial.

5. Universities World Ranking

Canadian Universities World Ranking

1. University of Toronto - 16
2. University of British Columbia - 35
3. Mc Gill University - 51
4. Mc Master University - 133
5. University of Alberta - 135
6. University of Montreal - 151
6. University of Calgary - 169
7. University of Ottawa - 199
8. University of Waterloo - 199

Indian Universities World Ranking

1. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - 408
2. Indian Institute of Science- Bangalore - 531
3. IIT- Bombay - 594
4. IIT Madras - 633
5. University of Delhi - 635
6. Punjab University - 679
7. IIT Delhi - 729
8. IIT Kharagpur - 756
8. Indian Institute of Science Education & Research - Pune - 784

Facts about Canada and India


1. The education system of Canada consists of three levels- primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools
2. By the year 2018, Canada has spent 47.3 billion CAD on education.
3. Post-secondary students in Canada are 2.18 million
4. The population with upper secondary education is 92% in Canada.
5. In FY 2019-20, Canada’s degree colleges spent 39.71 billion CAD.
6. Canada ranks no.1 country in quality of life and 4 in best education globally.
7. The GDP of Canada is $1.74 trillion.
8. Canada is a less populated country with a 37.6 million population.


1. The education system in India has three levels primary, secondary, and higher education
2. India has over 1000 universities in the country.
3. Expenditure on education from 2014-2021 is 993 billion Indian rupees.
4. India has a score of 31.3 for social mobility in the world.
5. India has an 85% literacy rate in urban and a 65% literacy rate in rural areas.
6. The GDP of India is $2.78 trillion.
7. Ranks 39 in quality of life and 25 in overall best countries
8. 1.37 billion population of the country.
9. Ranks 32 in education in the world.

Canada and India have many dissimilarities at different levels. Apart from the above factors; education cost & quality, university rankings, quality of life, technology, and Innovation, Canada is fast-forwarded into a clean and less polluted country, with social justice, strict laws, equality, and public transport facilities.

Canada has a lot to offer to students in the country. From the best education to job opportunities to entrepreneurship, you can find endless career opportunities as a student in Canada.

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