
9 Tips to Boost Your Canada Resume

If you had 30 seconds to impress someone, what would you do?

Well, you should impress them with your skills.

Most of the immigrants move to Canada with the hope of a job and a better life. As Canada hires skilled professionals worldwide, Indians are in high demand in Canada. An estimated one lakh Indian Permanent Residents are recorded to be living in Canada(2021).

If you are reading this, you must be planning to move to Canada and get a good job. But how to start, is the confusion?

After researching about the country and companies, the next thing is to prepare a resume.

A resume in Canada requires you to be clear and presentable with your expertise, skills, personal details, and achievements. So let’s understand how to write a resume in Canadian style.

How to write a Professional Resume for Canada?

1. Follow the Right Format

The right format is very crucial to impress your employer with your resume. It contains a resume header, professional summary, your experience, skills, achievements, and personal details.

2. Use Keywords that highlights your Profile

Include keywords that recruiters are searching for. It will increase the chances of your resume coming to the notice of industry hiring professionals.

3. Keep it short and Clear

When we talk about the Canadian writing style of a resume then it should be as short as possible while not missing any point. So, you must present your job profile clearly while not being so boring.

4. Add relevant Skills

Don’t add the demanding skills that have nothing to do with your profile. Always mention those skills that are relevant to your industry, you have knowledge about, and are easily transferable.

5. Use Bullet Points

List out your responsibilities under each section of experience. Arrange them in the bulleted list and present them more efficiently.

6. Take care of Font

Did you notice changing font style completely changed the look of your resume? If not, then go back to your resume and try different font styles. You will notice how it impacts differently.

7. Customize your resume

Make it a “perfect for the role” resume.

When you send the same resume to every employer without knowing their requirements, it shows your attitude towards your job. Your employer wants to see the skills and experience that he requires. If you send the same resume to every employer then it is easily catchable that it is a generic one.

8. List your Awards and Achievements

Your achievements and awards make your resume stronger. As it shows your capabilities and strengths as an individual.

9. Mention all the Necessary Details

Add all the information that is required like experience, education, awards, contact details, and others. Missing any information may leave a negative impression.

Sometimes knowing what not to do is more important than what to do?

Now, let’s know about what you should strictly avoid while making a resume.

What should you avoid in your Canadian Resume?

Canadian resume format

1. Don’t Make it a Book

You should always keep in mind what your employer wants. No employer has time to read those lengthy notes. You get just a few seconds to impress.

2. Avoid using Multiple Fonts

Choose a good font type and stick to it for a whole resume. Your employer is not interested in your artwork unless you are applying for some design profile.

3. Don’t add your Beautiful Picture

Yes, your employer doesn’t need it unless you are applying for a model/actor role.

4. Don’t Repeat the Information

Don’t be so creative to repeat the same responsibilities of the same experience in a different way. Write it once and define it properly.

A good resume is what fulfills the requirements of the employer. Show them what they want while being honest. Present your skills smartly, include all the necessary points, don’t miss any required details, don’t overdo, and be clear.

Feeling like a process?

Keeping all these points in mind still be easier than ensuring that you have applied all on your resume.

In such a case, a professional resume writer can help you. They know how to present skills and experience clearly, without missing any point.

If you need assistance in creating a Canadian-style resume, you can contact us. We provide resume writing services to immigrants without disturbing their pockets.

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